GTK CList (Tables) GTK CList (gtk_clist, gtkclist.h) allow representing tables with/without titles, containing one or several columns. This is a complex Widget with many methods available. Here are a few of them: /* create a new clist with 4 columns. make it visible. */ gchar* titles[] = {"File", "Site", "% Done", "ETA"}; GtkWidget* clist = gtk_clist_new_with_titles(4, titles); gtk_widget_show(clist); /* set the width for each column, in 'pixel' units. */ gtk_clist_set_column_width(GTK_CLIST(clist), 0, 150); gtk_clist_set_column_width(GTK_CLIST(clist), 1, 100); gtk_clist_set_column_width(GTK_CLIST(clist), 2, 85); gtk_clist_set_column_width(GTK_CLIST(clist), 3, 85); /* insert a few rows of data into the clist. */ gchar* row0[] = {"/ls-LR", "", "0%", "5:47"}; gtk_clist_append(GTK_CLIST(clist), row0); gchar* row1[] = {"/pub/README", "", "5%", "0:17"}; gtk_clist_append(GTK_CLIST(clist), row1);