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Page 5: Kickstart Howto-Not

The KickStart Howto (or who is to be blamed?)

I will not discuss much about the real existing HowTo. I will add here a link (or open it in another browser), but I will not discuss it. The only really correct part of it is the prologue, which describes how to setup the floppy syslinux.cfg (it's quite similar to lilo, and requires one added append called ks=floppy ).

I will discuss my struggle against the readme, where I found real examples of the ks.cfg file, and how I built it step after step.

I have no idea why the HowTo is so far from reality. Maybe it's true to RedHat 5.x, or maybe even to 6.x, but not to our up-to-date RedHat 7.1.

Building this floppy file required two working computers, on one of them Linux with net connection installed, and on the other blank HardDisk. Actually, when working with floppies, always work on double copies.

I used two floppies, switching each when doing something (and during the building period, one of them got to have these annoying bad sectors).