[Haifux] Lecture proposal - high performance multi threaded programming

Dan Shimshoni danshimsh at gmail.com
Wed Apr 30 09:56:08 MSD 2008




On Tue, Apr 29, 2008 at 8:30 AM, Shachar Shemesh <shachar at shemesh.biz> wrote:
> Abstract:
>  With a bit of manual reading, anyone can learn how to create a program
>  that has more than one thread of execution. This breaks down, very
>  rapidly, however, as the inter-dependencies inside the program start to
>  burden you down, to the point where you get race bugs that are close to
>  impossible to find. Fixing those typically involve using the various
>  locking mechanisms. The result is, more often than not, a program that
>  both works much slower than the number of threads and processors would
>  suggest it should, AND at the same time still has race conditions.
>  This lecture will try to give rules relating to how to construct your
>  program to begin with so that it will provide high performance, be
>  maintainable (for some definition of maintainable), and be bug
>  efficient. In other words, this lecture is about learning to think
>  "multi-threaded". In fact, efficient enough multi-threaded design do not
>  even need to have more than one thread of execution......
>  All in favor say "aye".
>  Shachar
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