[Haifux] save my Linux

zohar shemesh zoharshemesh at gmail.com
Wed Jun 10 21:04:05 MSD 2009

first of all- thank you everyone who toke the time and answer my questions!!
but in this things answers usually raise more and more questions...

i understand that if i burn an Ubuntu installation disc and just start a new
installation every thing will go back to normal (i rather stay with Ubuntu
and not KDE, i fined it friendlier).

but i still have some unsolved issues:

if i cannot start Linux how will i back up the files that are saved on that
and still with partitions: i have 3 main partitions on the hard disc, will
the Ubuntu installation need redefining those partitions? and will Grab
still work correctly? ( I'm not sure how you write it but its the program
that allows you to choose whether to start windows or Linux)

again, really thank you all fore your time...


On Tue, Jun 9, 2009 at 6:56 PM, zohar shemesh <zoharshemesh at gmail.com>wrote:

> hi,
> my name is Zohar, i'm Shachar Shemesh brother, and he told me about this
> group and that you might be able to help me.
> i have Ubuntu 7.10 kernel 2.6-22-14 generic installed on my computer, a few
> weeks ago (after a long time in which i didn't) i let the auto upgrade do
> its job. it downloaded about 1gig and started working. after some time there
> were some lines no the screen saying Done and nothing happened for a long
> time. after several hours of the same lines on the screen i figured, "well
> it might actually be done!" and restarted the computer. that of course was a
> mistake but since the system will upload get too the screen where you need
> to enter a user name and password but the mouse and the keyboard doesn't
> work except for the combination of ctrl+alt+del that still works and restart
> the system.
> i traied using the recovery mode, the update system, repair broken pakages,
> file system check and fixing the Xserver. the system seams to work and
> upload but when returning to the regular mode the problem is still very much
> present.
> so if you think this problem might be solved easily by an explanation via
> email or phone i will be very happy to get advices and i promise to tray and
> follow them throe thou i must say i am not very skilled with Linux.
> if you feel the problem is more serious i would love too know if and when
> you host another Linux party and if there is non coming soon i can of course
> offer too hose my one party (or at least coffee and cake) at home (i live at
> the Technion dorms).
> thank fore your time,
> i hope i didnt spame your inbox (and if so blame Shachar)
> and i opologise for my speling (blame google speller, well... and myshelf)
> thanks
> zohar
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