[Haifux] [HAIFUX LECTURE] Command-line utilities: Tips and tricks (part II) -- Eli Billauer

Amos Shapira amos.shapira at gmail.com
Sun Aug 18 02:46:02 MSD 2013

Good on you.

It's funny how infinite is the ocean of command line utilities, e.g. as a
long time user of the command line:
1. I only learned about "grep -r" 8 years ago (in my first workplace in
2. I only discovered that "less -R" (capital "R") is much better for
viewing and searching colorised text files than "less -r" (lower case "r")
a couple of weeks ago.
3. two days ago I found how to make "awk" access environment variables
(through ENVIRON["VARIABLENAME"]), though I knew what I was looking for.
4. Only a short while ago I learned a trick to script "echo line >>
root-only-writable-file" by replacing it with "echo line | sudo tee -a

And the list goes on and on.

The take away? Command line veterans can also benefit and enjoy such a
meeting by learning and sharing their own knowledge. Wish I could attend.

On 18 August 2013 03:09, Eli Billauer <eli at billauer.co.il> wrote:

> On Monday, August 19th at 18:30, Haifux will gather to hear a talk by Eli
> Billauer:
>    Command-line utilities: Tips and tricks (part II)
> Command-line utilities is the real power of a Linux computer, and yet
> there's always a few useful utilities that even an experienced Linux user
> doesn't know about. This meeting is dedicated to going through several
> random utilities, some of which are less known, others are known but have
> surprising possibilities.
> The range goes from things as simple as using "touch" to fake a
> modification date to using ssh for surfing the web (with your browser) as
> if your computer was in another country.
> No previous knowledge is required. Even though newbies will gain the most
> of this meeting, there is also room for those more familiar with the shell
> prompt. Those who want to take the stand for a few minutes to talk about a
> utility are welcome, of course.
> There will be no slides during this meetings, just a shell window for
> demonstrations.
> For the list of suggested topics that may or may not be covered:
> http://haifux.org/lectures/**305/ <http://haifux.org/lectures/305/>
> ==============================**==============================**=====
> We meet in Taub building, room 6. For instructions see:
> http://www.haifux.org/where.**html <http://www.haifux.org/where.html>
> Attendance is free, and you are all invited!
> ==============================**==============================**======
> Future lectures:
> 02/09/13 You & The Biometric Database: Jonathan J. Klinger
> ==============================**==============================**======
> We are always interested in hearing your talks and ideas. If you wish to
> give a talk, hold a discussion, or just plan some event haifux might be
> interested in, please contact us at webmaster at haifux.org
> --
> Web: http://www.billauer.co.il
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 [image: View my profile on LinkedIn]
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